Regular eye tests are essential and should form part of your healthcare routine, like visiting the doctor or dentist.
In the UK the NHS provides free eye tests for qualifying patients and in some cases they also contribute towards the cost of glasses.
Am I entitled to a free eye test from the NHS?
If you fall into any of the following groups, the NHS will pay for the cost of your eye test:
- Up to 16 years of age.
- Up to 19 years of age and in full-time education.
- Over 60 years of age.
- People (or partners of people) who receive certain benefits. Tax Credit, Pension Credit, Income Support, Income Based JSA
- Holders (or partners of holders) of an exemption certificate (HC2).
- People who need certain complex lenses.
- People diagnosed diabetic or with glaucoma.
- People aged 40 years of age or over who are the brother, sister or child of a diagnosed glaucoma patient.
Will the NHS contribute towards the cost of my glasses?
The NHS help certain people with the cost of their glasses. To find out if you qualify or for more information please give us a call on 01482 210888 or visit NHS Choices to find out more
If you are entitled to a free NHS eye test, please bring proof of entitlement with you when you come for your appointment.
To book an eye test call 01482 210888 or email us at